See also
Isaac MENDELSOHN (1886-1953)
Eihivet (Ida) (Regenstreif) OLARIU (1894-1981)
Apr 6, 1916
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Jun 15, 1886
Braila, Romania
Apr 30, 1953 (age 66)
St. Agathe Des Monts
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Eihivet (Ida) (Regenstreif) OLARIU
Nov 12, 1894
Dorochoi, Romania
Apr 19, 1981 (age 86)
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Albert "Bert" MENDELSOHN
Mar 21, 1917
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Nov, 1995 (age 78)
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Jun 11, 1920
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Dec 12, 1964 (age 44)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Isaac was a stationary engineer who served most of his career at the
Sanitarium in St. Agathe. He was a brilliant craftsman who built
furniture and could repair anything mechanical. He was an inveterate
pipe smoker and died of cancer. In a separate chapter Bert speaks in
detail about his parents:
My father was Isaac Mendelsohn. He was born in 1886 in I think, Braila
in Romania. Braila is a town on the Danube. His father, Meyer
Mendelsohn, was a tallier of some kind. I gather his job was to stand
at dockside or on ships and count what was loaded or offloaded to and
from ships that sailed up the Danube from the Black Sea.
My dad was apprenticed to an ironworker, a machine blacksmith; I
really donʼt understand what it was. I have one of his first gadgets
he made as an apprentice, a little ball peen hammer. Iʼve kept it ever
since, one of the few things Iʼve kept of my dadʼs.
He left home at the age of 15. The reason for that as I understand it
is that his mother had just died, I gather in childbirth. At that time
there were two brothers and some four or five sisters. He was the
oldest in the family and he left. He made his way somehow to Hamburg,
in Germany and sailed aboard ships and because of his so-called
technical training they put him below decks in the boiler room-steam
engine room of the ships. He sailed German ships out of Hamburg for
some time.
One of the ports of call was in Buenos Aires. At that time Buenos
Aires was undergoing quite a change and they were building large
irrigation canals somewhere in the interior of Argentina. A number of
British and Germans and others stayed there. To this day there is a
very large English Community in Buenos Aires, and quite a large German
one as well. Any way, my dad stayed ashore and worked there as an
engineer and eventually he received a letter from his father in
His father had apparently gathered his family and his second wife and
had migrated to Montreal. So my dad gave up his job and came to
Montreal. I donʼt know what the exact year was, but it was somewhere
between 1909 and 1911 or 12. Something like that.
As I said, my dad came to Canada somewhere around 1910. He got a job
in a steam power plant in what is now Old Montreal. In those days they
used to generate steam down there and pipe it to various buildings in
the area and sell the power so that people didnʼt have to provide
power in each of their own buildings. They also generated electricity,
locally, and he had a job as an engineer there.
It was at that time that he met my mother at something or other and
they became engaged in 1915. They married in 1916 and as I said
earlier I was born in 1917. My sister was born in 1920.
Sometime around 1915 when my dad became engaged he got a job up at
Ste. Agathe working in the beginnings of the Laurentien Sanitarium,
the TB San that I spoke about before. He stayed with it as it grew
except that shortly after the war the SCR. The Soldiers Civil
reestablishment in Ottawa decided to stop its support of this TB San
for vets, veterans of the First World War and they closed the
sanitarium. My dad got a job in Asbestos in Quebec in the power plant
there and then got to Ste Anne de Bellevue in what is currently the
Veterans Affairs Hospital. They reopened the Sanitarium in I think
around 1924 or 5 and he went back to Ste Agathe and stayed there till
he died. He retired when he was 65 and he died before he got to 66th
birthday. So we have roots principally in Ste Agathe.
Every family should be blessed with one person who is universally
loved and admired. That person should be as kind, as understanding, as
forgiving and as giving as Aunty Ida was. She was warm, she was
friendly, and she gave and forgave. She was welcoming and she cared
deeply for us all. She was a great housekeeper. Her kitchen shone and
her home sparkled. She was a great cook and a master of feeding hungry
hordes from one chicken. She was famous in the family for lemon pie
and oatmeal cookies. She gardened and preserved. She exercised,
swimming in the summer and walking every day of the other seasons. Her
home was a gathering place for her family in all its dimensions. She
had great wit. Once when asked about her slim figure and how she must
watch her diet, she replied that she watched her diet very carefully
but did not let it affect her meals.
Aunty Ida was murdered during a mugging after the second Seder in
Well, you asked about my parents. My mother got to Canada before my
dad did. Iʼll start with her. My mother was born in Dorohoi, in
Romania in 1894. Her name was Ida Regenstreif when she came to Canada.
On the other hand her birth certificate shows her as Eihevet Olaru. I
am told that Olaru in Romanian means the potter. So she was Eihevet
which I guess is close to Ida, the daughter of the potter.
Her father and their whole family and her mother, the family about
eight or ten, Iʼll have to stop and count them for you came to Canada
on the 7th of November 1907, when she was aged twelve or so. They came
on the ship called SS Corsican, which was then the Allen Line. Later
Canadian Pacific bought it. They stopped off in Montreal and stayed
there. Why they left Romania is unknown to me.